5 Reasons You Need To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Moving beyond the safe and familiar will offer you the opportunity to enter the growth zone.

Defined as a settled method of working that requires little effort and only yields barely acceptable results

Each of us have our own comfort zone where we feel comfortable, safe and secure. This is more than a physical place but a psychological/emotional/behavioural construct that defines our behaviours and decision making process every day. In a world that brings misfortune, disappointment and setbacks, it is natural for many to reside to our own world where everything is within our control and little stress and anxiety is experienced. What we do not realise is that this thought process leads us to weaponise our fear and avoid environments that will be make us feel uncomfortable.

The root cause of that fear for many can be the possibility of failure or getting hurt. A sole focus on the negatives can prevent us from seeing all the amazing opportunities available. By doing nothing, the one thing we guarantee is no progress will be made. We all have the ability to be better than we was yesterday and to take a quote from the best animation film ever made, Kung Fu Panda; “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present” The present offers opportunities for you to learn how to deal with fear, extend your comfort zone and acquire new skills in the process. Focusing on the desired outcome is what can make a situation more daunting/difficult so why not simplify it? Focus on the next step if that is saying hello to someone at a networking event or raising your hand to share ideas at work. For me it was the latter and countless times I had the opportunity to speak up but i decided to keep quiet instead. The most frustrating moments was when my colleagues would say the exact things i was too scared to say and they would get nods of approval and plaudits from senior members of the team. I quickly realised that i was busy living life inside my own head, having this warped view of a reality that would end badly for me because i was clueless and knew nothing. This negative image was reinforced by my lack of progress so I did not know any better. This is why I decided to take responsibility of my actions.

Holding myself accountable was a crucial turning point. I realised that it was only possible for me to reach my desired outcomes by embracing my fear. I was tired of hiding, complaining and it was time to go with a different approach. By allowing myself to be seen by others, i created the opportunity for myself to learn and become better. I developed at an accelerated rate, gaining a promotion and new job role that tripled my salary within a 18 month time span. Before achieving better outcomes i allowed myself, on many occasions, to step out of my comfort zone fall and over but always get back up. Things did not always go my way but I learnt to cut myself some slack, understand that I will make mistakes but I will figure it out eventually. Mistakes go with the territory. A mistake just means you are not there yet or you haven’t found the right solution. Learn to be brave and give yourself the opportunity to learn.

Here are 5 reasons to step outside of your comfort zone:

1) Your “Desired Life” Is Out There Waiting For You. Your desired life exists and can be made a reality once you take steps beyond your personal feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Without effort, our potential is unfulfilled and we are left to speculate about what “could” have happened.

2) Give Yourself An Opportunity To Grow. If you fail to come out of your comfort zone, you may struggle to have new experiences, learn new skills, or build your network. While these things can seem scary, the reality is never as bad and provides tremendous chances for growth.

3) Learn About Yourself What do you fear? What makes you uncomfortable? What is the root cause of these feelings? Once you learn about yourself and reactions, you can better understand how to deal with it.

4) Build Self-Confidence This is developed through experience and only by stepping out of your comfort zone, can you realise how brave and capable you are. It will continue to grow as you repeatedly face your fears and try new things.

5) Increase Creativity Creative activities will give you an outlet for your emotions. You can begin to break down the limitations the mind can place on you and start to realise that you are capable of doing anything.

It may seem scary to step into the unknown but lets break each objective into small goals. Take one step at a time, build in confidence and the results will follow. Change daily habits/routines that will take you out of what is familiar and allow you to have new experiences.

I have within myself the ability to change my current circumstances and make big improvements. If i can do it, so can you.

Believe In Greatness.

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